Unvoiced: Sign-languge to Speech

Artificial Intelligence
Computer Vision
Realtime Systems

A real-time application, using a camera for a live video feed, and in the live stream, detect alphabets signed by the sign language speaker and convert that into text and further into speech, to aid in communication with people who have trouble with spoken language due to a disability or condition.

Technologies Used: Python, Tensorflow, opencv.

My Role:
  • Created the American Sign Language Alphabet Dataset, which has 75+ citations and over 38,000 downloads.
  • Developed a web-application and deployed the system for real-time inference.
  • Manually recorded multiple students to create the ASL Dataset with over 30,000 images.

Unvoiced: CAT from Sign Language Alphabet

Unvoiced: WOW from Sign Language Alphabet

Project Gallery

sally lightfoot crab
Training of the Neural Network used for Classification
sally lightfoot crab
ASL Alphabet Dataset Statistics
sally lightfoot crab
ASL Alphabet Dataset