Operating System
Realtime Systems
Action Recognition System for automated real-time hand sanitization auditing, working with real-world data from PES Institute of Medical Science and Research, primarily aimed to reduce bedside infections in hospitals, using a new approach to Action Recognition in videos. watchIt is a Smartwatch built entirely from scratch, using an ARM based micro-controller, with a custom Operating System, built over ROS. The watch has multiple sensors and modules to do more than the average Smartwatch at the present time can. For instance, it can be used to control Home Appliances via the ESP8266 Module and gets all it's data in real time. The OS, and Hardware for this watch was built from scratch.
Technologies: ESP8266, Teensy 4.0, ARM, Lua, C++, C.
My Role:
- Developed the mode-based Operating System over ROS.
- Built the hardware for a smartwatch from scratch.
- WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity programming the ESP8266 in Lua